Stock Signals
Stock Signals

Stock Signals is a powerful tool to help you spotting the strongest and weakest stocks in the market and avoiding bias from specific indices' performance by scanning stocks individually.


  • Daily Strong / Weak Stocks: Comprehensively evaluate the strength of stock price trends by analyzing both price movement and turnover.
  • "Approaching" 52-week High / Low: Rather than showing the common new 52-week high / low, we make one step ahead: we provide signals for those approaching new high / low instead of passing-through it. This is an advance signal telling you if a stock might potentially start its new wave of uptrend or downtrend movement.
  • Most-alerted Stocks Ranking: List out and rank the stocks that multiple signals are shown, hence the "strongest among the strong" or the "weakest among the weak" are easier to be spotted.
  • Full Range of Signals: MACD Bullish / Bearish Crossover, Cross Above / Below SMA, Consecutive Rise, New High / Low, and Overbought / Oversold signals offer wider perspectives and help you formulate personalized trading strategies.

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